
Facing Our End

Before we watched him close his eyes on his remarkable days we saw him become like a child. Every soul who crossed his path loved this man who sailed the seas. Righteous was he in his generation, like Noah the oceanic voyager. Not a moment was wasted in his zest for life. As we move onward we recall the seasons of our youth, with all their innocence and joys. Remembering our pasts, our origins and travels, is how we prepare ourselves to make our own pilgrimages to the lands of our futures. Directed by love’s compass we set sail. Crossing tides and continents we move ever onward. At our end we come home; our origin and destination. Returning to our native soil we re-settle our own promised land. Retelling our tales and drawing from each new meaning. Over and again we revisit the people and place we met on the way. Letting go of the shores we grew to love. Loving anew the old and familiar faces and places.

Remember your creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come, and the years draw near when you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them.’

~ Ecclesiastes 12:1